Form a Company in Ireland
You have chosen Ireland as an exemplary location to form a company, now you need a firm that you can trust to set up the company in the most effective, thorough and timely way.
At MoreGroup we know that Ireland’s position as a base for Global Business is desirable. In December 2013, Ireland was voted, by Forbes, as the Best Country in the World to do business and was the only nation to rank among the top 15% of countries in every single one of the 11 metrics examined.
That’s why your dedicated Relationship Manager has a wealth of experience in Irish company formations. Putting trust into MoreGroup means you gain an experienced and competent partner.
Call us today: +44 (0)20 7648 8950
Key Benefits
- Three-year tax exemptions for Start-Up Companies
- Corporation tax rate of 12.5%
- Double Taxation Treaties in effect with 68 countries
- Tax relief on acquisition and development of Intellectual Property
- Tax credits on R&D
- Withholding tax exemptions to EU/Treaty countries
Available Irish Entities:
- Private Limited Company
- Private Unlimited Company
- Partnerships
- Branch
Tax Exemptions for Start-Up Companies
Ireland currently has an incentive for start-ups of a three-year remission from taxation on profits and capital gains for those new companies with a tax liability of less than €40,000 per year.
Qualifying companies are entirely exempt from corporation tax on trading profits and chargeable gains on the disposal of assets. At the current rate of 12.5%, this equates to €320,000 of annual profits.
There is also marginal relief between €40,000 – €60,000. There are certain conditions attached including the type of trade, and the relief is linked to the amount of employers PRSI (Pay Related Social Contributions) up to €5,000 per employee.
Request a Consultation Today
Complete the form below for personalised guidance from an Ireland business formation specialist.
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How More Group can help you
At More Group we can provide peace of mind by helping you assess which company type will be more suitable for you and prepare all the required paperwork, including a new or revised constitution containing additional regulations, to complete the transition to the offshore company in Dubai.
While we’re at it, we’ll throw in a full statutory health check for free. We’ll also provide a useful checklist of action points you need to consider elsewhere in your business to make this as smooth a process as possible.
Call us today: +44 (0)20 7648 8950